The Stalkers!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Animal Talk Naturaly Christmas Show

The Holiday Season: A Time for Giving Online animal radio show hosts a bevy of guests to support two animal charities and an upcoming documentary on animals RIO RANCHO, NM November 14, 2008 – The holidays are upon us with excitement in the air as people bustle about looking for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. One radio show though is hoping that people will choose to give to help animals and children who aren’t as fortunate. The online radio show, Animal Talk Naturally, has pulled together a team of twelve guests for their annual Christmas show to raise funds for two special charities that help both animals and children and one upcoming documentary film on animals. On December 17, 2008 beginning at 2:30 PM Eastern, Animal Talk Naturally will host a two-hour Season of Giving show through their regular platform on BlogTalk Radio at to raise funds for Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch ( ) - helping rescue horses and kids, Paws and Think ( ) – putting together at-risk shelter dogs with at-risk youth, and Animals in Paradise ( ) an upcoming documentary film about the eternal lives of animals. Each of the twelve special guests - who are each giving of their time and talent - will share a unique message during the show, and there will also be Christmas music provided by Jean Wenzel and Mary Buddemeyer-Porter. The hosts of the show, Dr. Kim Bloomer & Dr. Jeannie Thomason, are asking businesses to get involved and support these very special charities that rely solely on donations to do the work they do. “We’re hoping that businesses will step up and provide giveaways to anyone in our listening audience who donates $50 or more to at least one of the charities or the documentary film during the live two-hour show.” comments Dr. Jeannie Thomason. “Each business who participates will have their name and website mentioned on the show and an entire year of advertising on our Season of Giving page that will remain until next year’s show!” “The businesses can also donate directly to the charities or the documentary along with the live listening audience. The more the better! And the good news is that both charities are 501c3 non-profits so your donations are tax deductible. “states Dr. Kim Bloomer. “The documentary film is not a non-profit but whoever donates will have their name listed in the credits and possibly your own piece of video with your pet will be included in the film. It’s a win-win-win situation for everyone involved so please give generously, it’s far better than receiving anyway! And enjoy the show!” To find out more and how you can get involved go to

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